S*SevgiLims 4:th liter were born the 26th of december 2013
Even this time Quizas had nine babies. We had to let one little boy join the angels at the age of two weeks since he had some urinary problems.
Our D-litter were named after Pokémons and also with some christmasassociation. The girls got the name Merry and the boys the name Xmas before their Pokémon names.
Mother: CH (N)Nordic Lynx´s Quizas
Father: S*Shantarams Moonshine Whiskey
Even this time Quizas had nine babies. We had to let one little boy join the angels at the age of two weeks since he had some urinary problems.
Our D-litter were named after Pokémons and also with some christmasassociation. The girls got the name Merry and the boys the name Xmas before their Pokémon names.
Mother: CH (N)Nordic Lynx´s Quizas
Father: S*Shantarams Moonshine Whiskey
S*SevgiLims Merry Delphox
Female f 23 Owner: Inger and Arne Lundberg Glas, Burträsk Pictures of Merry Delphox |
S*SevgiLims Xmas Darkrai Male d 24 Owner: Claes Björnberg and Anna-Karin Karlsson Pictures of Xmas Darkrai |